Raves about the German Corner
12/28/98 Chris Cook wrote:
Nice resource for people looking for see old Country Charm
12/27/98 Tanja Schwarz wrote:
I think,it is very easy to understand. But I think, it should be written in German, too. Because I think, that many other german people can´t understand what they should do on this paige
12/23/98 Claus Schwanitz wrote:
12/23/98 Jennifer Bureau wrote:
It's pretty cool.
12/20/98 Amy Demuth wrote:
Very Interesting so far, havent had time to check yet ...but surely will
12/20/98 Diane Bakarich wrote:
I found your site quite interesting, and I shall keep up to date on the information that you havelisted
12/19/98 Steffen, Walter J. wrote:
I am interested in learning more about my German roots and heritage.
12/16/98 johannes-peter post wrote:
12/15/98 Marco & Cynthia Goertz wrote:
My German husband & I (I'm American) recently moved to the U.S. from Cologne, Germany. I only lived in Germany for 1.5 years, but I sure went through some culture shock moving back here! I learned so much from the German culture and sure wish I could make some changes in the U.S.!
12/14/98 Vi Eckroth wrote:
Very interesting and informational
12/14/98 Stephanie K. Singer wrote:
Ganz Toll!
12/13/98 Elaine Haugland wrote:
Wonderful! I love German food and as far as I know there is not one in North Dakota
12/13/98 Nikolaus Dieter Lentner wrote:
a great idea; keep growing it
12/11/98 Anna Born wrote:
It is a very professional site, and at the same time entertaining and informative.
12/09/98 wrote:
Am so excited to find hope this opens some new opportunities to find out more info for trips and definitely food info.
12/09/98 Jeanette wrote:
A good page would be German influence on American lifestyles.
12/09/98 Laura Sicking wrote:
I think it is great becase I'm 12 years old and doing a Christmas report on Germany and I needed some traditions and recipies This was a great help!!! :) TYVMhoeuaurcn yhk
12/09/98 Norbert Wendelin wrote:
Hello friends of wind music (czech style music), we would like to introduce our group to you. We come from Austria and we perform polkas and waltzes in the style of "Ernst Mosch und seine Original Egerländer Musikanten" or the czech (bohemian) style like "Mistrinanka", Moravanka" or "Gloria" - the most popular brass bands in our region. May we ask you to visit our homepage?Address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/nwendelinGreetingsNorbert Wendelin
12/08/98 Janet willener wrote:
I hope to learn more about my German Heritage and also hope to find lost Heinze relatives. Please visit my website geneology pages http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Forest/8408/ or e-mail me at swiss-miz@geocities.com or at willener@hotmail.com. i like the newsletter very much! Janet
12/08/98 Larry Sall wrote:
I would like to know how to order Christmas presents directly from Germany for German friendsso they could be delivered directly there withoutme having to mail them from here.
12/07/98 Daniel Paulsen wrote:
This site is pretty cool, Dan u.s.a
12/06/98 atilio gonzález vega wrote:
Ich suche meine schwestter in Mandeln . Sie is Carolina Thümmler. Ich weise sie nichts. Danke!
12/06/98 Barbara wrote:
Im very happy, that my friend send me this link from your magaziene, and I enjoy it very much,
12/03/98 Dorothy Glinski wrote:
Love the site
12/02/98 Lisa Harmeyer wrote:
It's great! I am learning a lot about my strong German heritage.
11/27/98 Lucy Geyser wrote:
Very happy that I found this site.
11/26/98 B Peter Brandt-Sørheim wrote:
As a third generation German American I am always looking to understand my roots...and to find sources for good German products.
11/26/98 DUANE DEVOE wrote:
11/26/98 Frederick Weller wrote:
I found it very interesting and will be back.
11/22/98 Angelika Hynds wrote:
Keep up the German connections
11/22/98 Don Bricker-Bru"cker wrote:
I love it, because it gives me the oppertunity to influence my children and grand-children, in the German influence.
11/19/98 A. Adams wrote:
I am always looking for german pages and am glad I found this one.
11/16/98 Monika Burkhardt wrote:
Great to see a site linking German-Americans together !! keep it up !
11/16/98 Rudi Mosel wrote:
I really enjoy your Page.also the listserve. Tschuess Rudi
11/16/98 Nancy Barnes wrote:
It was great finding this location. I will be back to check it out on a regular basis. Thanks.
11/15/98 Sarah Smith wrote:
Wow. This site is a great resource. I'm so glad I found you guys. The info on the site really helped me research some projects for my German class. Thanks a million. Auf Wiedersehen!
11/14/98 Mr. & Mrs. Wilfried Brockmeyer wrote:
Wonderful to find this kind of information all in one place. Die Ecke ist praktische und macht spass.
11/13/98 Terry Bowen-Clark (nee Gertraud Fuhrmann) wrote:
I found it quite interesting.
11/13/98 Henry Godert wrote:
a very informative site. exciting to read about others experiences and view photos where I've already been.
11/13/98 Dr. Charles Bearchell wrote:
You are doing a great job of keeping interested parties informed. Keep it up.
11/12/98 Brian Southern wrote:
I just love this site. I am a German teacher and I am always looking for things on the web that would appeal to my students. This is one of them.
11/09/98 Donald J. Nath wrote:
Sehr gut!
11/08/98 Jerry T. Wood wrote:
I haven't fully explored it yet, but it looks as if it may have some promise. I'm out west in Phoenix where there are few German speakers. I'm looking for a connection to a local German club and hope I'll find it here.
11/08/98 David & Angelika Disney wrote:
Really nice site. My wife and I really miss Germany and this is a great place to find the products that we love.
11/03/98 Anita C. Peoples wrote:
It is wonderful to see that there are other German-Americans out there who are interested in keeping in touch with their German roots. For me and more importantly for my children this is an invaluable resource. I hope it will continue to grow!
11/03/98 Morris Vos wrote:
11/01/98 Sandra Closson wrote:
/was very excited to find this -- we have friends in Wessling near Munchen and I am trying to better my command of German and things German -- Thank you
11/01/98 Julian wrote:
Hi, I´m German and it´s a fantastic idea to build a German-american page !Good luck,Viel Glück weiterhin noch, viele Grüße,Julian
10/27/98 d melcher wrote:
just got here, but thought I look around...we love germany. can't wait to visit again! D
10/23/98 ed mertz wrote:
GREAT. Thanks
10/22/98 Robert C. Hull wrote:
Nice to see another German site, interested in research Lengenfeld,Mylau,Dresden area
10/20/98 Martin Block wrote:
I recall seeing something about site when we lived in Northern VA.
10/18/98 Russ Lentz wrote:
Sehr hilfreich! Danke!
10/16/98 Philip W. Swanson wrote:
I hope to get some help on my German back ground and finding family in Germany .
10/16/98 Joachim E. Koehn wrote:
Nun ich bin gerade erst hier angekommen aber es sieht aus als ob es mir gefaellt.
10/12/98 Janet L. Willener wrote:
Your services are very good. I hope to find some chat friends here.
10/12/98 joerg wrote:
I like this projekt !!!
10/12/98 Reinhold Schatz wrote:
Very nice web site. Good info... good links to other German sites. Keep up the good work.
10/12/98 Richard U. Heppler wrote:
Importer of Schwarzwald Mirabell;Goethe Extra;BlackForest Devil;Tiffin Tea Liqueur
10/11/98 Paul Stappenbeck wrote:
I am mostly interested in popular folk songs with the American Translation. I have Tina's and Her Rasselbande (From German Imports) This has renditions of the old favorites which I like. The problem there is no dual text versions. Song is the part of my German Hertige I most want to keep alive in America.
10/11/98 Gabriela Palouda-Jones wrote:
Offers a variety of resources
10/09/98 Nicolette Siegel wrote:
The site is awsome for Germans who have just arrived in the states.
10/08/98 Evelyn Harper wrote:
I'am so thrilled that I found this Web page, I am from Kentucky and have'nt had any luck with finding that many german stores. My mother will also be suprised. (she is from Germany) I will be sure to tell all my friends about German Am. corner.
10/08/98 Ursula and Richard Rumbaugh wrote:
Ursula was born in Germany - came to US at age 17. Richard born in US - has German ancestry.We have visited Germany several times, but would like more information on Germans in America
10/06/98 Donna Vaughn wrote:
A wonderful resource for genealogists and family history researchers. It gives me a place to learn more about my ancestors way of life and customs.
09/29/98 Gordon J. Johnson Jr. wrote:
I find it to be very informative.
09/28/98 Anthony R. Oland wrote:
An interesting election!! Also, the recipes are most looked forward to. A definite site to book-mark!!
09/25/98 Anna A. Granger wrote:
09/24/98 Gina Pound wrote:
What a great find. I'm so glad I found it.
09/23/98 Alfred L. Kerst wrote:
I'm glad to have found your site. It looks at first glance that it deals with almost all the German/American subjects I am interested in.
09/21/98 Ray Flanary wrote:
This site is very beneficial to those individuals who are interested in pursuing a connection with German-American sources in this country.
09/20/98 David Bayek wrote:
I'm glad to see that German culture and identity still exists in the USA. It's been awhile since there has been any large scale immigration by Germans, so it's especially heartening to find something like this.
09/20/98 Robert L. Kilp wrote:
Looks great. Great source of information. Keep up the great work!
09/19/98 Karl H. Becker wrote:
Einfach wunderbar!
09/17/98 Jeannette Campidell wrote:
Da ich im Februar in Las Vegas heiraten will möchte ich mich mit Leuten aus Las Vegas in verbindung setzen DANK.
09/15/98 Kelly Slinkman wrote:
Always glad to find another source for German(/American) information. Thank you.
09/13/98 Frederickk H. Reber wrote:
I am the Chairman of the Von Steuben Parade and Germanfest in Yulan, N.Y. (our 8th is this9/26/98) and we could use some help ie: bandsmarchers,floats,food vendors,etc. We are only90 miles fromN.Y.C. come see our event, youwill be impressed!
09/11/98 Scott Day wrote:
I am looking for any type of direction with respect to joining a local German American Heritage Org.? I am in the metro D.C. area.
09/10/98 Julia & Dominik Weber wrote:
This is a great resource!
09/10/98 Nancy Wax wrote:
My great-grandparents, Robert Adolf Miller and Lena Spoerer, emigrated from Saxony and Bavaria, and lived in Michigan's upper peninsula. I am interested in the history of German settlements in upper peninsula.
09/10/98 jack mahlbacher wrote:
i have been away for a while but plan to be around for now. in the past i have enjoyed your news letter and info.
09/09/98 Nicholas Nerhood wrote:
09/07/98 brohammer@alltel.net wrote:
hey there, I am a native German who transplanted to the US when his American father retired from the military and am looking for a german/international job. contact me for more info. NICE WEBSITE!!!
09/07/98 Raymond Storms wrote:
I Love This Site Being Part German Myself !
09/05/98 William M. Schult wrote:
09/03/98 Annaliesel Schmidt wrote:
Please send me as much information as you can about german cultural events going on in Miami. Much appreciated!