Raves about the German Corner
30 October 1997
Hans wrote: A truly delightful website. In celebration of the German language,
in which great thoughts have been expressed. Thank you so very much.
30 October 1997
Richard wrote: This is fantastic!! To whomever thought this up.."Two
Thumbs Up".
21 October 1997
Polli wrote: Just returned from a trip to Germany, and miss it! Your website
is just what I was hoping to find! Thank you!
October 18, 1997
John wrote: It was a lucky day for me when I found your site. I've mentioned
it to many friends at our local Senior Center.
17 October 1997
Claudia wrote: Great opportunity for germans living across the USA/CANADA
to get in contact and exchange info.
6 October 1997
Ursula wrote: Habe noch nicht sehr viel gesehen, aber was ich gesehen habe
ist interesant.
3 October 1997
Brigit wrote: I'm German and live in the States since 90. I'm very happy
I finally found this page, cause it is very good to know where to find
certain things. Once in a while I do need some German food - now I know
how to find it. THANK YOU
24 September 1997
Teta wrote: Wunderbar, Sie zu finden! Wir wersuchen hier in Seoul unsere
zwei-jährige Tochter zweisprachig zu erziehen.
22 September 1997
Bill wrote: I am so glad to find a forum for the intermingling of Germans
and Americans. What a great way to exchange ideas.
September 15, 1997
Gabi wrote: nice job on this page, I really enjoyed reading it.
September 11, 1997
Petra Wrote: Ich finde es ehrlich Klasse das man mal was im Net findet
wo man deutsche Info's kriegt. Eure Seite ist toll.
August 30, 1997
Karolin wrote: Wow! A site with connections to German magazines and
products. It's what I've been searching for!
August 29, 1997
Randy wrote: I'm glad I've found your web page as it seems to be the
main page for German products.
24 Aug 1997
Franz wrote: Finially, We Germans have something up on the internet, that
is not anti German. Thank you to all those people who have worked hard
to get this net site up!
August 24, 1997
J.E. wrote: Macht so weiter, dies ist eine gute Idee. Ich habe endlich
gefunden was ich schon immer suchte.
August 24, 1997
Franz wrote: Finally, we Germans have something up on the internet,
that is not ani German. Thank you to all those people who have worked hard
to get this net site up!
August 17, 1997
Bob wrote: A wonderful site full of different German-American links!
August 11, 1997
Ed wrote: I believe you are on to something very special. I look orwarding
with high expectations to the success of your web page(s) for the german-american
community. It's long over due!
August 10, 1997
Claudia wrote: I like this service. I'm a german living in the USA
and it is like a link to home.
July 25, 1997
Bill wrote: "Super website" I will be a regular visitor
and user of the German Corner. Bill Santa Barbara, CA.
July 27, 1997
Sabine wrote: I'm really tickled to find this website ...
July 22, 1997
Suzanne wrote: .. I'm German and very interested in learning all that I
can about my heritage. It's great to come across a web-site that celebrates
the German culture. I've been looking to get closer to my heritage and
this seems like a good place to check in. Vielen Dank!
July 22, 1997
Pamela wrote: Just the place I've been looking for! Wunderbar
July 17, 1997
Gotthilf wrote: I hope lots of people and businesses are going yo
use your website.
July 10, 1997
Klaus wrote: Very nice website, I just added it to my favorite places and
I know I will visit frequently. Keep up the good work, I will certainly
spread the word of your site.
June 13, 1997
Renate wrote: I very much enjoy your site. keep coming back to read
about Deutsche Schriftsteller! Your site is very organized and
June 3, 1997
Lisa wrote: I'm doing a research paper on germa-americans and I found
this page during my search. It was a great help. Thank you!!
May 27, 1997
Anna wrote: My German class was wondering what Kaiserschmarren tasted like,
and now we can taste it thanks to your page. Thank You, Anna
May 16, 1997
Jack wrote: I found your page by pure chance while surfing the web. However,
I am very impressed by what I see.
May 13, 1997
Bruno wrote: Ich bin sehr angenehm überrascht ... werde bei unserem
Verein und Freunden die German Corner erwähnen und empfehlen. Viele
Grüße und Erfolg von Bruno aus St. Louis, MO.
May 10, 1997
Kevein wrote: I really like what I see. ... I look forward to visiting
this site in the future.
May 10, 1997
Jens-Uwe wrote: Mit Abstand die beste Webseite in den USA für Deutsche!!!!!!!!!!
May 9, 1997
Jessica wrote: ... This site had almost everything I needed. You have a
wonderful site and one to be proud of. ...
April 23, 1997
Heidi wrote: .. Eure page ist prima und "Bookmarked". :-))
April 21, 1997
Vici wrote: Very enjoyable Web Site
April 10, 1997
Kenn wrote: I enjoy reading through your sections. It is not complicated.
And all communications with you are nice and friendly. You are becoming
a very important unifying contact source.
April 4, 1997
Angela wrote: Great idea! Grossartig fuer uns Deutsche, hier in den USA.
Un was fuer eine tolle Auswahl in Zeitschriften und Zeitungen, sogar von
meiner Heimatstadt Berlin! Vielen Dank!
March 28, 1997
Otto wrote: Your information appears to be well structured and organized,
and easy to read. I am mostly interested in the German genealogy portion,
but do find the remainder very interesting. Keep up the good work! it is
most comprehensive and as I cannot read German very good, I thoroughly
enjoyed the various segments. Thank you.
March 28, 1997
Hans wrote: Great to see this tool used for the many German living in the
March 26, 1997
Ingrid wrote: Enjoy visiting. Wished there were more hours in the day to
March 22, 1997
John wrote: It is amazing just how much information is here. I am presently
trying to learn German and this is a wonderful resource of interesting
things to read.
March 21, 1997
Jason Wrote: This is a great service to those who love German language
and culture. ...
March 17, 1997
George wrote: You have a lot of stuff I have been looking for thank you
very much.
March 16, 1997
Doug wrote: It's great to see that German influence here in the US.
March 12, 1997
This web page is great. Since I live here in the States now, I like to
hear as much about Germany as I can.
March 1, 1997
Michael wrote: These web pages contain quite a bit of information that
will be useful to anyone that utilizes them. ... The pages have great links.
February 24, 1997
Sonja wrote: I like is a lot - it is great for people living abroad.
February 16, 1997
Manfred wrote: ... You got a great website. A lot of information and a
perfect "meeting place" for Germans and German-Americans.
February 15, 1997
Rainer wrote: Aus einem Beitrag in der "Freie Zeitung" von New
Jersey. Carry on the good work.
February 13, 1997
Olaf wrote: It's a very nice Idea to have a communication-page between
US and German peoples. A lot of my firends already visited your page and
do like it very much! Go on with that service!
February 11, 1997
Yermo wrote: ... I hope to use your site on a regular basis. I have been
looking for something like this for quite some time now and am glad to
have finally found it.
February 9, 1997
Daniel & Astrid wrote: Thank you, thank you, thank you...this
is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
February 7, 1997
Richard wrote: Your web-site is A-one. It is so hard to find any information of German American interest that your site is going to be one I will visit again and again. ...
February 1, 1997
Rebecca wrote: I'm really enjoying this site--well put together with lots
of interesting stuff.
January 31, 1997
Carl wrote: I love this site very much indeed. I have not been here for
a few weeks and am surprised that so much has changed. Ich komme ganz bestimmt
oft wieder. Good luck to you. ...
January 24, 1997
Ed wrote: I thing this is a wonderful site - a real find for German teachers.
January 15, 1997
Renate wrote: Sehr interessante Seiten. Viele nützliche Informationen,
Sehr zu empfehlen.
Janyary 14, 1997
Robyn wrote: I am learning German (again, I took it in school) and I have
not had a chance to retain it due to lack resources to use it. I am very
excited to find you.
January 13, 1997
Anke wrote: Whew - what a nice surprise! Ich lebe in Deutschland und war
sehr überrascht, eine solche Seite zu finden, und dann noch solch
eine Super-Page. Ich schaue jetzt öfters vorbei. ...
January 6, 1997
Karl wrote: I am glad I found this website, now I can enlarge the circle
of my German speaking friends.
January 5, 1997
Great Idea to get ppl together that are in some way linked to Germany.
The links are also very interesting, ... Overall it is a very interesting