Alt-Washingtonia Schuhplättler Verein 202-232-5438 Mollie Poelsterl 1413 4th Street SW Washington DC 20024
Association of German-American Societies of Greater Washington DC (AGAS) Eva Nanni 202-554-2664 P.O. Box 23094 Washingtion DC 20026
American Goethe Society of Washington DC Gabriele Sieg 301-299-3258 6461 Eppard St. Falls Church VA 22042
Arminius Loge #25 Manfred Osti 301-253-6238
Association of German-American Societies of Greater Washington, DC Eva M. Nanni 202-554-266 P.O. Box 23094 Washington DC 20026
Atlantic Fellowship Ltd. Viola Wentzel 202-232-6990 2204 Kalorama Rd. NW Washington DC 20008
Bethel-St. Elizabeth Foundation of America Gisela Koepp 703-821-1861 1920 G St. NW Washington DC 20006
Concord Club of Washington DC Werner Grabner 301-530-4647 2434 Wisconsin Ave Washington DC 20007
DANK Chapter - Washinton, D.C. Washington, D.C.
Deutschlehrer-Verband - Chapter Washington DC Rose Calio 703-281-2961
German American National Congress for the Greater Washington DC Area Gudrun Watson 703-256-4556
German Heritage Society of Greater Washington DC Bradford Miller 301-572-6803 3413 Canberra St.
Silver Spring MD 20904
German Language Society Elizabeth Vondracek 202-333-6281
Institute for German American Relations at Georgetown University Prof. Alfred Obernberger Dept. of German 37 P St Washington DC 20057
Österreichische Presse & Informationsdienst 202-895-6775 3524 International Court Washington DC 20008-3035
Schuhplattler und Gebirgstrachten Verein "Washingtonia" Charles Volkman 202-333-3374 see Concord Club address
Washington Sängerbund Bernhard Wenzel, president Information: 202-310-4691 2434 Wisconsin Ave, NW
Washington DC 20007
Wandervogel Volksmarch Club Washington DC Dr. Heinz Ender 703-360-9221 6045 River Dr. Lorton VA 22079